Sunday, April 3, 2016

Unicorns Are Real, But Not as Pretty as You Think

Calling all wannabe princesses, adherents of dreams, stallion aficionados and tall tale experts … plan to blow a gasket! 

Unicorns are genuine. Yes, that is a genuine sentence. As indicated by U.S. News and World Report, a fossilized skull as of late found in the Pavlodar area of Kazakhstan puts Siberian unicorns, or Elasmotherium sibiricum, dashing around the Earth just 29,000 years back.

A study distributed in the American Journal of Applied Sciences about the find says scientists initially trusted the Siberian unicorn ceased to exist 350,000 years prior, yet the newfound skull puts the previously legendary animal much nearer to us on the timetable of presence. 

There is one drawback to this energizing news: These unicorns aren't the all-white, streaming mane delights of legend – rather researchers trust the creatures looked more like rhinos, or somewhat little, one-horned wooly mammoths.

In the wake of looking at the fossilized skull, scientists think the Siberian unicorn remained around 6 feet 6 inches tall, was 15 feet tall and weighed around 8,000 pounds. Next up for researchers is making sense of how these animals made due for so long.

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Unicorns Are Real, But Not as Pretty as You Think
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